Friday, December 10, 2010

Legalization of Cannabis

I've found myself wanting to get a point across lately. Not to prove myself right, simply to be heard. Everyone has opinions. I've learned that some opinions are outrageous, & others more reasonable. For instance - the following topic is very controversial & even continues to be an awful one to talk about with some of my peers - legalization of marijuana.

Now there are a few groups of people that pertain to this topic. (1) There are those that smoke marijuana regularly & would love to see the rest of the nation realize the medical, social, & economic benefits this herb can bring. These people are typically classified as potheads or stoners.(2) Some have smoked before, but no longer do because of change of lifestyle. They may have just become disinterested, but still believe there is nothing wrong with pot. (3) Some people have never tried it because it's illegal & they just don't want to risk getting in trouble. However, they have no problem with weed. They are indifferent on the topic. They could care less if weed is illegal or not. (4) Then, there are those who have never tried it & claim they never will. They believe that it's not worth the risk of breaking the law to try it.  There's absolutly nothing good about marijuana. The law is the law; crime is a big problem because of marijuana. These people say that it's immature, they are against its legalization, & want no part of it. They will always win the argument because - IT'S ILLEGAL!

I have found myself in a sundry of debates & conversations about cannabis. Many were peaceful, but some however, were not so peaceful. I can say that I hate getting into arguments about marijuana. I am part of group 2 in my earlier mentionings of the types of people pertaining to weed. There was a time in my life when I wanted nothing to do with this herb. It wasn't until my later teenage years that I decided to smoke recreationally. I then realized why so many people enjoyed smoking it. For those of you who smoke cigarettes - you know that buzz that you get when you first inhale tobacco? Just imagine that high....times 20! You have to smoke about 2 or 3 cigarettes to get that calm feeling you want if you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Not to mention, you're putting nicotine (an addictive, man-made drug) & countless other chemicals into your body when you inhale. By the way, cigarettes are the only product in America that does not require an ingrediant label on the box. Gee, I wonder why?! Marijuana, however is natural. It is a plant that grows on God's green earth that is simply grown, picked, dried, & smoked! All the effects you receive by inhaling its smoke is what it does naturally. The best part about it is, depending on what grade cannabis you have, you don't need to smoke much to get that relaxed feeling you're looking for. This quality alone has a greater outcome. You may still be putting smoke into your lungs, but much less is needed. Not to mention that pot has no physical addictive qualities. A joint the same size as a cigarette is normally enough for more than one person to share & the "high" is still attainable.  Only your mind can tell you that you want more, not your body.
That being said, I want to focus on the benefits of smoking marijuana. I've already stated that it can bring a state of euphoria. Do not mistake this as an escape from reality. In fact, one is very much in touch with reality when experiencing this sort of "high." Cannabis is a wonderful aid in relieving sick symptoms such as, headaches, nausia, & body-aches (commonly felt when you have a fever.) Hence, why cancer patients are good candidates for receiving medical marijuana. With this point said, why should we have to have cancer to have access to pot? Yes, it is a wonderful herb in aiding medical problems. Have trouble sleeping? Weed is a wonderful thing to use when you have a case of insomnia. Once you've smoked a certain amount, it is common to feel sleepy, which encourages those to fall asleep much easier! I have even made friends with people who have ADHD that smoke because it, calms them down, helps them concentrate better. So, for those who have this disorder, it may have a slight opposite effect on them.  If you are one who has trouble eating, then the case of the "munchies" is all you need. Smoking marijuana is very famous for causing people to have cravings to eat.  Let's look further shall we? Anytime there was a gathering of friends who all smoked "bud" together, it made the company all the more entertaining! I interpret this as a fellowship of people. It should not be looked upon as a group of people commiting a crime, but as a group of people bonding, sharing laughs, & getting to know one another. Marijuana simply makes any company enjoyable! What's the difference between going out & having a few drinks with your friends & going to someone's house to smoke pot? There's is no difference in intensions, but the outcome of each scenario can differ greatly. Alcohol impairs judgement when a large amount is consumed. Thus, why so many people that carelessly go out driving in their vehicles after a long night of partying & alcohol consumption end up killing themselves and/or others on the roads in America. And to think, alcohol is LEGAL! Alcohol is also addictive & claims lives not only behind the wheel, but also after years of dependancy.  I'm not saying that I disapprove of alcohol. I, myself, think that there is nothing wrong with having a few drinks to relax & mingle with friends. But there is a fine line drawn here! Can you overdose from smoking too much pot? no! Does smoking pot impair judgement? Not to the same degree that alcohol does. I do not encourage people to do this, but I have met people that actually drive better after smoking some marijuana, than they do sober! Interesting, huh? Need I remind you that your body does not become dependant on marijuana. I will say this, however. I watched others, & also experienced for myself, get very irritable when there is no access to cannabis. This is simply because they have nothing to calm them down. Since I am one of those who do not smoke weed anymore, I can say that I don't feel any different with or without access to pot. I am living my life just fine. I feel no urge or any cravings that would cause me to go out of my way to find any herb. Those who have a physical addiction do whatever they can to get what their body needs. Just the other day, my husband was in a hurry to get to the store just to buy one pack of cigarettes!
Now, for the subject you all have been waiting for...CRIME. Undoubtedly, there is so much crime involved with gangs & other groups smuggling & possessing marijuana. Some have even been killed because of bad drug deals or distrust among fellow gang members. This is unfortunate & even as someone who advocates the use of pot, I think that this behavior is outrageous. So let's stop & think for a minute. A simple thought would be: If pot were legal, we wouldn't have to have people going to jail or dying on behalf of such a wonderful, natural herb. Going a little further, if it were legal, the government could tax marijuana! Bam! there goes the deficit! Seems simple enough? Uncle Sam continues to raise taxes on things we already have, why don't we just add one more product to the market & watch business boom! They already make us pay a tax if we are caught with possession. Wouldn't it make sense to lower crime by letting those who want to enjoy smoking weed, have access to it at a local tobacco store or smoke shop? Paraphernalia is already sold in the public and we all know we don't use it for tobacco use! California is on the right track by having public installations that sell marijuana if you have a card for its use. This allows you to enter into a safe & controlled environment to buy what you're looking for. Isn't that much better than going to a stranger on the street that may have laced your pot with something else? I think so.

So, while many have their views & personal opinions there's one thing we all can agree on...pot is illegal. Yes, how obvious. All I simply wanted was to express that even though this herb can get us in big trouble, it has so many wonderful things to offer. Yet, no one in congress is willing to step away from the pety bull-crap they talk about all the time, to try something different! I think cannabis is one of the most wonderful plants God created. Jesus did say, "Live life to its fullest."

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