Saturday, January 22, 2011

Don't ask, don't more!

We all have heard about the up-coming changes in the military "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. This was a way to enforce homosexuality in the military, because of it's immorality. It is against the law to be immoral in the military, which is what our great nation was founded on. Our country was founded by wise, God-fearing men who selflessly gave their lives in order for this republic to be established.  Our core values as Americans are crucial to our way of living. If we don't have values, what do we have? You already see the awful, downward spiral this once great nation is taking. The government is growing, trying to control everything, as well as trying to accept everything. If we accept everything, then we have no values, no borders, no boundaries. We might as well say that it's okay to abuse innocent children. Let's go ahead & make it legal to drive drunk. Let's go ahead & forget about what's right & what's wrong; black & white. For those of you who think I'm being a little rash, just think about this: why do we continue to succumb to each Americans iniquities? There are more & more people getting kicked out of the military because they are homosexual. So what do we do? Oh, let's feel sorry for them because they would have made a great soldier. A soldier is supposed to be an example of exceptional conduct & moral practice. They already go above & beyond what any person in this country can even imagine. Being gay is wrong, period. It's something that is clearly stated in the Bible, which is the blueprint to 97% of our laws today. As a military wife, I am so saddened that the President of the United States would want to lower the morale of the military. All I do is sit around & wonder why. Why? Why would this country just want to forget about our history? Where we came from? We have lost so much insight & the American people are so blind & so distant to what made this country great. I am outraged that a man who has never even served one day in the military is our Commander-in-Chief. 
Being morally right is not easy. I'm sure there are many of you who read what I stated earlier about the Bible, & thought, "But not everyone believes in the Bible." You're right. So you're probably going to argue freedom of religion. Why do we have that in our Constitution in the first place? Because our founding fathers wanted to come to a land where they could worship our God the way they wanted to & not get executed for it. We left Europe because the Church was prosecuting those of the protestant faith. So we said, you know what? We believe in the same God as the Catholic Church, why should we be prosecuted because we just want to worship him different? That's the history of freedom of religion. God's Word plainly indicates what we should do as followers of Christ in order to live a happy, prosperous life. America started out wonderful; it began with the IDEA that people could live in a nation where the government didn't control everything. The people have a choice! How wonderful is that?! Where else can you find a government like that? On a daily basis, we take for granted our background, our American history. There are so many things in this world that are beyond our control, yet our leaders try harder & harder to do so.  My point, in all of this, is that we just stop & think for a moment about where we want the future of America to go. Do we want to abandon our faith & values for a small percentage of the population? Or should we continue to fight for those values that make our country great & original? No one ever said that doing what's right was going to be easy. Now, more than ever, is a difficult time to find a leader who is going to stand up & do the thing which is best - & that is: to do the right thing, which is right in God's eyes.

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